

Japanese in 2024


Grades P-2


Term 1:


Tanjoubi wa nan gatsu? When is your birthday?

Students are learning in Japanese:

  • the numbers 1-12, how to read, write and say them.
  • The kanji for moon and month
  • The months of the year
  • How to say what month their birthday is
  • To ask someone when their birthday is
  • What birthdays are like in Japan

Term 2:


Panda, Usagi, Koara Song/ Panda, Rabbit, Koala Song

Students learn some animal words in a Japanese song and learn to the sing song. Completing various craft activities to learn usagi, panda and koara.


Term 3:


Petto Uni/ Pet Unit

  • Students extend their knowledge on animal words and learn some pet specific words
  • Learn colours in Japanese.
  • Learn how to describe what colour, size and age of their animal.
  • Create a poster about their own pet or a made-up pet they would like in the future

Term 4:


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  • Learn about Japan’s detailed recycling program
  • Learn aquatic animals in Japanese
  • How to say ‘I can see a [Animal]’ in Japanese
  • Learn words associated with our outdoor environment (tree, butterfly, water, river, frog, etc.)

Grades 3-4


Term 1:



Students are pretending to be detectives and witnesses for a crime and new to learn how to describe what the culprit was wearing at the time.

  • Basic clothing vocabulary
  • Colours
  • How to describe what colour some clothing is
  • Adjectives to describe a person (e.g. short, small, male, female)

Term 2:


I want fruit

  • Extending on fruit words they already know
  • Learning different ways to say that they want something.
  • Asking someone what fruit they want

Term 3:


This is a house

  • Learning different rooms in a house in Japanese
  • Describing what a room has in it
  • Drawing and labelling their own house in a house origami they will make

Term 4:



  • Sports and hobbies vocabulary
  • How to say what they do in their free time
  • How to ask someone what they do in their free time
  • About different sports and hobbies that Japanese kids their age like to do


Grades 5-6


Term 1:


Shumi & Supotsu/ Hobbies & Sports

Students are learning in Japanese:

  • Sports and hobbies vocabulary
  • How to say what they do in their free time
  • How to ask someone what they do in their free time
  • About different sports and hobbies that Japanese kids their age like to do

Term 2:


Jikoshoukai/ Self- introduction

  • Learning how to introduce themselves in Japanese
  • Talking about their age, name, school, family and things they like/dislike
  • Students will create a jikoshoukai display about themselves

Term 3:



  • Learning how to say different subjects in Japanese
  • Stationery words
  • How to ask to borrow an item from someone else
  • The difference between Japanese and Australian schools.

Term 4:


Aus v Japan Research Unit


Students can pick something about Japan that we haven’t learnt and research to present to their class. Students will have to learn some sentences in Japanese about their topic to teach others.

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