Karingal News 22/03/24


Principal News - 22nd March 2024

Dear Parents/Carers
If you stand on your tippy-toes you can see the end of Term 1. How it has flown by. Thank you everybody for a wonderful first term.


Years 3 and 5 students have participated in NAPLAN testing over the last two weeks. We have been very proud of the efforts our students have made in trying their best in the testing. Thank you to Mrs Schneider for all her hard work in setting the NAPLAN up, Mr C for his technological support and teachers for preparing students and supporting the process.

We were successful in having more nominations for School Council and than positions available. We have been to a School Wide ballot.

I would like to congratulate Georgia Farley, Chloe Baxter and Hopi Palmer for being selected on School Council. 

Congratulations to the following students who were drawn out as winners of the Family fun Night:

IST PRIZE: $100 Woolies gift card – Henry H (34B)2ND PRIZE: $75 Village voucher – Louis & Nathan (34B)
3RD PRIZE: $75 Rashays voucher – Raven (PA)

We appreciate the support of Karingal Hub and Camp Australia with their generous donations for the prizes.

Thank you students from Years 5 and 6 (Reilly, Aurora, Jade, Paige, Zarah, Sophie, Locky, Lucy, Adele, Kim, Eliana and Stella) for organising and running the events. Thank you to staff who attended and supported and thank you to families who participated in the fun!

On Tuesday 12th March, our school had a Curriculum day. KPS staff were joined by staff from our neighbouring schools to participate in professional development on the new Maths Curriculum. Bringing the four cluster schools together to collaborate was such a positive experience and the feedback we received showed that this is the way we want to work moving forward.

Our staff reflected that having the opportunity to talk, ask questions, ponder ideas and start working through the new curriculum was an effective and safe way to be introduced to the new curriculum.

Our ES staff participated in the Calm at the Forefront professional learning and all provided positive feedback about understanding behaviours and further strategies gained.

Term 1 finishes on Thursday 28th March. It is a 2.30pm finish. 
Term 2 begins on Monday 15th April at 9am.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter. Please enjoy your holidays.

Stay safe and take care
Samantha Cooke

School Awards #4

Classroom Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a classroom award at assembly:

  • Mason (PA)
  • Robbie (12A)
  • Charlie F (12B)
  • Billie and Tyler (56B)
Congratulations to Thomas (M1A), Nathanael (12A), Phoenix (12A), Kenzie (56B) for receiving the RIPRR award and demonstrating our RIPRR values.

Good Deed Box
Thank you to Isla and Brock for helping around the school. Congratulations for being selected from the Good Deed Box. 


Congratulations to M1A for being the class with the best attendance for the fortnight.

Coal Creek Excursion - Grades 3/4

The Grade 3/4s visited Coal Creek Community Park and Museum on March 6th This recreated coal mining village highlights the history of everyday life, coalfields and early agricultural development from as far back as the 1870s.

Students learned about continuity and changes over time. A highlight was the session in the old Victorian school house, where they could compare school life between now and the 1890’s.

2024 Booklists Payments are OVER DUE

2024 Booklists are a mandatory payment.
Booklists include books and stationary your children use every day at school and they belong to your children.
If you have not paid your booklist fees, please do so by the end of Term 2.

Thank you to parents/carers who have paid 2024 Booklists.

School fees are voluntary contributions. In saying this, every little bit helps and goes towards your child/ren at Karingal Primary School. It would be greatly appreciated if you can pay school fees as well, and/or go on a payment plan. Thank you to families who have paid 2024 school fees.

A reminder letter has been sent home (this week) to families who have not yet paid their booklist fees.

Upcoming Chess Tournament

Reminder to register for the Chess Tournament... The Northern Star Chess Tournament will be held at Karingal Primary School on Tuesday 26th March, 2024.
All students in Years 1-6 are invited to participate.
Cost = $20.
Tournament forms are available at the School Office.

Easter Parade and Raffle

Karingal Primary School's annual Easter parade will be held in the Karingal Place Hall at 9.15am. All parents/carers are welcome to join in the festivities of the morning and watch the children parade around in their easter hats.

The easter raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the parade.

Please remember to buy your raffle tickets for some fantastic Easter basket prizes.

1st place also wins a $100 Village cinema voucher.

$1 per ticket.




As we all know, children who get to school each day have a better chance of learning and succeeding in school. When they miss school, they also miss valuable learning time and this can make them fall behind in their school work.

At Karingal Primary school we value attendance, which also includes the reporting of student absence.

It is a requirement, when a student is absent from school, the school is notified as early as possible about the absence and the reason for it.


  1. Leaving a message on the school absence line by dialling 9788 4838 and selecting option 1.
  2. The school stream app:
  • Select: KaringalPS
  • Open: Forms
  • Open: School Absence Form
  1. The school website: https://www.karingalps.vic.edu.au/
  • Select: Parents tab
  • Select: Report an absence

If a student’s absence has not been reported, the school will provide a follow up call to parents/guardians/caregivers to gain the reason for the absence.

Term 1 Calendar 2024

Save the Date

Prep CSEF Uniform Package

2024 Prep students with CSEF qualify for the uniform package. Please see Rachael for support.

Community Noticeboard #2