Karingal News 06/04/23


Principal (Acting) News - Thursday 6th April, 2023

Dear Families

It has been a busy two weeks with a lot of events happening.

Our Year 6 leaders participated in the National Halogen Young Leaders Conference which was an exceptional day of entertainment and quality speakers.

We had a Sporting Day organised by our Year 6 leaders to raise money for sports equipment in the classrooms.

Last week ended with selected Year 3-6 students representing our school at the District Athletics. We came second. What an acheivement!

The chess tournament we hosted on Monday this week was another successful event. Congratulations to all students who we our proud of for competing and representing Karingal Primary School.

Lastly, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and safe holiday. Enjoy the two week break.

Stay safe

Samantha Cooke
Principal (Acting)

Respectful Relationships Program

For our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relations (RRRR) Education, Karingal Primary School will be developing students personal, social and emotional skills through a series of learning experiences. In 2023, all year levels will be completing the Resilience and Rights sections. Below is a listed the topics and some examples of the lessons that will be taught in different year levels.

Topic 1: Emotional Literacy:  What emotions look like, sound like and feel like. (Foundation Level)
Topic 2: Personal Strengths: Learning our strengths and developing pride in ourselves. (Year 1/2)
Topic 3: Positive Coping: Learning about strong emotions and making strong apologies. (Year 3/4)
Topic 4: Problem Solving: Identify causes and effects of conflict and practise different strategies to defuse or resolve it. (Year 5/6)
Topic 5: Stress Management: Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change and apply strategies to situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. (Year 3/4)
Topic 6: Help-Seeking: Practise solving interpersonal problems and who to seek help from when problems are too big to solve alone.(Year 1/2)

The Resilience and Rights components of the teaching and learning materials (Topics 1-6) help the students develop the essential social and emotional skills, knowledge and understandings they need to have before addressing the concepts in Topic 7&8 Respectful Relationships.
We will introduce the last 2 topics in 2024: 

  • Topic 7: Gender Identity.
  • Topic 8: Positive Gender Relations.

Gender Identity
Year 3/4: Exploring Gender Norms through literature. Students describe and compare the roles commonly given to males and females and identify gendered messages in traditional fairy tales.
Foundation Year: Anyone can choose: Learning about how boys and girls can do things regardless of their gender. ‘Girl’ toys and ‘boy’ toys aren’t they for everyone?

Positive Gender Relationships
Year 1/2: Gender-based violence: Some people will tolerate higher levels of violence because “boys will be boys” and it is important to set the same non-violent standards for both boys and girls.

Year 5/6: Understanding Power relations: learning about the unequal distribution of power in some relationships, when a person does not respect the rights or needs of the other.

If you have any further questions or would like more information on Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relations (RRRR) Education, please email or phone the school.

Jacquie Schneider

Acting Assistant Principal.

Chess Tournament

♟️ On Monday 3rd April, Karingal Primary School hosted the Chess Tournament where we welcomed aspiring chess champions from 14 schools.♟ Students of all ages and levels had the chance to test their skills against each other. We even had service dogs, Kira and Lou, on hand to give it a go!

For the first time, our youngest students attended a special introductory session to learn some tips. I suspect our lunchtime chess club is about to get a whole lot bigger!

Our Karingal Primary School students should be very proud of the way they conducted themselves and the excellent sportsmanship they displayed!

Out of 137 students at the Chess Tournament our grade 6 student, Kaihan, took out 1st place! 🏆♟️ Kaihan has played all the way through from Prep!

Precious, another of our grade 6 students, came in 3rd place in the girl’s section 🥉👏🏻

That’s not all! Karingal Primary School came 3rd overall!

Congratulations to Kaihan, Precious, and all the students who worked hard to achieve these outstanding results!

Halogen National Young Leaders Conference

Our wonderful school leaders were up early to head into the city for the Halogen National Young Leaders Day. It’s a great opportunity to hear prominent leaders in the community speak about their experiences, and it’s combined with lots of music, dancing and interaction.

During the leader’s conference, Karingal Primary School students were lucky to meet and hear tech inventor, Amanda Johnston (her technology inventions are utilised by NASA🚀 and Apple), comedian and radio personality, Nazeem Hussain, and legendary ex-Hawks AFL Player, ‘Dipper’. 🌟


A Day of Sport

It all started with a little idea one of our school captains, Anisha, had.
She sent a letter to the school council asking permission to run a sports day to raise money to purchase classroom sports equipment.🏀

It was a fabulous day with the student leaders organising and running activities for the entire school. The students looked great wearing their different sports outfits. I wonder if you noticed how many different sports Mrs. Schneider showed?!

It’s always nice to see how well our leaders manage the groups and how they modify the activities to ensure all the students can take part. It was fantastic to see everyone having a go!

They raised over $200! 😊 👏🏻


District Track Athletics

Karingal hive is buzzing with the news of our track stars down at District Track Athletics!
The weather started off with a bit of rain but our quick-legged bee’s 🐝 turned the rain into a rain of ribbons!

Our teachers were very proud of the efforts of every one of our 35 athletes today!

They went out there tried their hardest, supported each other and congratulated other teams!

Such great teamwork!!!

Our Karingal Team ended up coming a very close 2nd (only being beaten out of 1st place by a few points) overall out of 7 other primary schools in Division 2!

Congratulations to our students you were all-stars today and our Karingal community is very proud of your amazing efforts!


Mobile Phone Policy

A reminder to all students to please hand in mobile phones to the office. It is greatly appreciated that students and parents/carers continue to support our mobile phone policy. We understand students may need mobile phones on the way to and from school, however, at school, they are asked to please hand them into the office in the morning and collect after school. All mobile phones wil be secured in a locked cabinet.

Mobile Phone Policy

School Awards - March 31st, 2023

Classroom Awards
  • Savannah (PA)
  • Avah (PA)
  • Gemma(PA)
  • Cody (P1A)
  • Scarlette (12A)
  • Gus (12A)
  • Henry (12A)
  • Jezayeh (12A)
  • Bethany (34A)
  • Maddi (34B)
  • Charlotte (34B)
  • Aurora (56A)
  • Locklyn (56A)
  • Abby (56B)
  • Evah (56B)
  • Max (56B)

Thank you to all award recipients for the contributions you are making to our school.


Please make sure you are aware of the following events and your child/ren have signed permission forms and monies paid (if needed).
DayEventStudents Involved
Monday 24th AprilStudent Free DayWhole school
Tuesday 25th AprilANZAC Day Public HolidayWhole school
Wednesday 26th AprilStudents return for Term 2Whole school
Thursday 27th April
Cross Country (at school)All students
Wednesday 3rd MayDistrict Field AthsSelected students

Community Notices

If you are looking for something sweet, Candy Eclipse has the right treats for you!