Karingal News 10/02/23


Principal (Acting) News - Friday 10th February, 2023

Dear Karingal PS Families
It is with great pleasure I welcome all our families (both new and existing) back to school. I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing holiday break.

Staff and students have had a fantastic start to the 2023 school year. They are all settling in well and exciting learning is taking place. It is wonderful to see the smiling faces on our new Preps who are loving coming to school; they are being taken very special care of by our amazing Year 1 - 6 students.

The newsletter will be emailed out to all families fortnightly on a Friday. If you know of someone that is not receiving the newsletter, please let the office staff know.
Alternatively, if you would like a hard copy, please let the office staff know.

Student Leaders

I would like to congratulate the following students who have been elected to represent our school as school leaders:


Chrissy Lee Attwell


Anisha Subramanian


Mia Bonnell


Zahn Berlouis


Alex Mijailovic


Tommy Bushell


Riley Toh


Precious Jones


Hugo Drane


Rachel Pun


Noah Scicluna


Issy Craig


Jaz Knight


Sarhsha Anne Smith


Max Brebner


Kaihan Saleh-Zada

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to read our school’s collection notice, found on our website. We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365/Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

* Amharic

* Arabic

* Dari

* Gujarati

* Mandarin

* Somali

* Sudanese

* Turkish

* Urdu

* Vietnamese

I am very much looking forward to a successful 2023 at Karingal Primary School.

Take care

Samantha Cooke
Principal (Acting)

Acting Assistant Principal (AP) 10 Feb

What’s the BUZZ, tell me what’s happening!

What’s the BUZZ, tell me what’s happening!

Welcome back to 2023,

Our motto for the year is THE BUZZ! A hive of activity. We feel this expresses the vibe of community, hard work and fun, where together we can achieve more.

We know how hard bees work to maintain their hive and achieve their working goals. At school we hope to replicate that with the buzz of learning, the buzz of fun and the buzz of community.

Did you know???

A honey bee colony typically consists of three kinds of bees: workers, drones, and a queen. Each member of the bee colony has a definite task to perform, related to its age. But surviving takes the combined efforts of the entire colony. Individual bees (students, teachers, and parents) cannot survive without the support of the colony (community).

Bees are also related to our school RIPRR values that are symbolized with flowers, Respect, Integrity, Persistence, Resilience and Relationships, because we know, “Where flowers bloom, so does HOPE.

The students have settled into their new classes well and I have enjoyed getting to know our newest members of the colony, our Foundation students. To all our new students and existing colony, our hive is always open so make a bee line for a visit. And rest assured, I have plenty more bee puns for future newsletters.

Buzzing off now,

Mrs Schneider (Acting ABee.) 
I am proud to BEE part of the KPS colony!


School Awards: February 3rd, 2023

Congratulations to the following students who received awards at Assembly on Friday 3rd February.

Classroom Awards
  • Prep B
  • Prep/1A
  • Hazel (12A)
  • Robbie (12A)
  • Mabel (12A)
  • Dustin (12A)
  • Alicia (34A)
  • Mason (34A)
  • Cohen (34B)
  • Tyler (34B)
  • Jaz (56B)
  • Tara (56B)
Miss Venter for showing persistence with the new Preps and building fabulous relationships.

Good Deed Box Award

Congratulations to Marcus (PA), Austin (12A) and Rosie (M23) for being selected from the Good Deed Box.

Thank you for the contributions you are making to our school.

2023 Timetable

To optimise learning, Karingal Primary School has adjusted the daily times of learning sessions, including recess and lunch breaks.
School will continue to commence at 9am and finish at 3.30pm.

9.00-9.50am: Learning Session 1
9.50-10.40am: Learning Session 2
10.40-11.30am: Learning Session 3

11.30am-12.00pm: Recess

12.00-12.50pm: Learning Session 4
12.50-1.40pm: Learning Session 5

1.40-1.55pm: Lunch eating time
1.55- 2.40pm: Outdoor play

2.40-3.30pm: Learning Session 6

Uniform and Lost Property

We have recently changed our uniform supplier. We are now using A Plus Schoolwear.
With the new supplier we have made purchasing your uniform easy. You simply log onto the website https://www.aplusschoolwear.com.au/ and purchase your garments.
If you choose the deliver to school option, it will be packaged up and delivered to school, free of charge, for your children to bring home.  

There is no actual uniform shop anymore, but the school will have 1 size of all garments for students to try on if necessary, before you place your order.

Lost Property
Lost Property is now located in the under cover area outside the office.
If your child has lost any piece of clothing or equipment, please send them to "The Box".
Any piece of clothing or equipment that has a name on it, will be returned to the students. So please make sure all items of clothing are named.
Students will be reminded to check the Lost Property Box before the end of term and any items not claimed, will be donated to the second hand uniform shop on the last day of term.

A reminder that Term 1 is a 'NO HAT NO PLAY' term. Even if the weather is not sunny, children are required to wear a hat.
If children do not have a hat, they will be asked to play in the undercover area.

2023 Soccer After School Program

An exciting soccer program will be available Term 1 2023...

Better Health Program

Have you heard about the Better Health program?
This online program is free for families with primary school aged children and provides you with guidance, resources and solutions to help your family lead a healthier lifestyle.
For more information visit the Better Health program website at https://betterhealthprogram.org/

HIPPY (Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters)

HIPPY Frankston North is currently enrolling families who have children aged 3 HIPPY is a FREE program for families who have a child aged 3: families start HIPPY in March two years before their child starts full-time formal schooling. To find out more go to: https://hippyaustralia.bsl.org.au Or contact Melissa Sims on 0491 696 327